Car Share

International Staff Shared Car Weekly Form

International staff car share policy The goal of this policy is to fairly and equally share the three vehicles provided by Valley Mill Camp for the purpose of transportation of international staff for grocery shopping and travel. Each staff member submits a car use form every Sunday evening, no later than Monday AM. After the form is submitted a schedule for the cars will be created a posted for all the international staff. Additionally every Saturday morning at 10:30 am there will be a car transporting staff to the metro. Pick up from the metro will be decided on an individual basis.

Enter Your Details for week start with todays date


Your Plans this week

Monday – skip this one
If you need to have transportation on Monday and you don’t see an option above describe it in the above text box
If you need to have transportation on Tuesday and you don’t see an option above describe it in the above text box
If you need to have transportation on Wednesday and you don’t see an option above describe it in the above text box
If you need to have transportation on Thursday and you don’t see an option above describe it in the above text box
If you need to have transportation on Friday and you don’t see an option above describe it in the above text box
If you need to have transportation on Saturday and you don’t see an option above describe it in the above text box
If you need to have transportation on Sunday and you don’t see an option above describe it in the above text box