Plummers Island day trip (Man Hunt, Learn fire building, card games,)
Kids will arrive at camp at 9:00 and we will head over to Plummers Island at 9:30. We will drive to the C&O Canal Lock #10 and park the van in the parking lot there. The group will hike the trail to Plummer’s Island, walk to the cabin at the top of the island. While on the island, the group will eat lunch and do multiple activities such as make a fire in the firepit, play cards, and play manhunt. (Make sure your kid has a phone or a watch because we will tell them to come back up to the cabin by a certain time if they havent been found yet.)
Trip Location : C&o canal Lock #10
Please Bring:
Sunblock and bug spray
Hiking shoes
Water bottle
Uno cards / card games (optional) (let Paul know if you are going to send a set and he will make sure it gets back to you.)